Top 10 Brilliant Print Ads Of 2022
With the importance of social media being higher than ever an eye-catching and inspirational advertisements are a must when you’re trying to capture even the slightest sliver of attention. While many companies may prefer to advertise online or through television, there are some print ads which when the execution and the words are perfect, the impact can be enormous.

For our list of the Top 10 brilliant print ads, we pulled together the ones that made us laugh, were extremely impressive, a bit controversial, hard-hitting and brilliant pieces of work. If you’re looking for some high-quality examples of how to build your brand, keep reading.

1. Go on a run – Asics
Ad Agency VITRO worked alongside Asics during their sponsorship of the Los Angeles Marathon in 2015. In the end, the collaboration produced a beautiful image of important landmarks across L.A. including Dodger Stadium, the Hollywood sign, and the Capitol Records building, the city was well represented in the advertisement for the marathon

2. The Perils of Parallel Parking -VW
Developed by DBB Tribal, the Volkswagon ad campaign put a focus on the company’s new park assist feature by highlighting the risks that can be associated when you tightly park between two cars. This ad uses animal symbolism to send a message of being able to safely park using the vehicles’ newest feature.

3. “Shhhhhhhh” -JBL
Created by Cheil Worldwide Hong Kong with the campaign title of “Block Out The Chaos”. The beautiful art direction uses 3D illustrations and negative space to portray how well their noise-canceling headphones work. With quite a few different variations of print ads out there, the Donald Trump/Kim Jong Un one spoke to us.

4. “Disover the full story” – MA
Created by ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi, this wonderful illustration of St. Basil’s church in Moscow was intended to promote the available information at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture. Featuring the tagline ‘Discover the full story’, the imagery features photographs of famous Russian landmarks and their continuation below ground or water.

5. You eat what they eat – Sea Shepherd
The amount of pollution in the oceans is at an alarming level that many people would rather ignore it than think about it. Designed by Ogilvy, their stark imagery of a fish shaped like some of the garbage thrown into the ocean. Developed for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization, the ad hopes to drive awareness of the issues with the ocean and hopefully donate to Sea Shepherd.

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6. ‘Leave Nothing Behind’ – LifeProof
Though the context may differ, ‘Leave Nothing Behind’ print ads campaign is a familiar battle cry for all athletes and action enthusiasts alike. LifeProof now gives the user the freedom and ability to capture, record and share all of their stories, adventures, travels, and more.

7. “Hulk Have Boo-Boo”– Band-Aid
In this imaginative ad, Band-Aid highlights the flexible fabric of their bandages by showing the Incredible Hulk’s hand with a bandage on it. Hulk’s alter ego is Bruce Banner who transforms into the Hulk when he gets angry. We’re left to assume that Bruce was already wearing the bandage.

8. “Let Them Run Free”– Dukto
Farenheit DDB Peru took home 2 Bronze Lions for the “Let Them Run Free” print ads campaign for Dukto Drain Opener. The concept combined what the product does with the images of hair-trapped animals.

9. Head to the Gym “Fit”– Gold’s Gym
Sometimes, playing on people’s insecurities can send a powerful message. With this ad from Gold’s Gym, it creatively uses a person’s body to show the type of changes that were made by going to their gym. Fat? Fit? For someone who might not be happy with how they look physically, this can be a really powerful ad.

10. “Because Life Makes Wrinkles”– Nivea
This ad for Nivea Men uses a great visual to show how the emotional moments of life can take its toll on your skin.
Print ads will always be the most powerful medium for getting your message across, as the above highly creative print advertising campaigns showed us.
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